How we will change the idea about self through three question ? - مقال كلاود
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How we will change the idea about self through three question ?

  نشر في 03 نونبر 2016 .

The reason make me write about how we see our self is that i feel that is really important because is subject of the century, everyone from us have capabilities but why we can’t use that capabilities? many time we want to do something but why we can’t do it , why we say I can’t , is it because we afraid from fail , or people will laugh from us , is that reason ?

Let me tell you something if we still think about that we never do anything , so why we still have this negative idea about our self and life , everyone from us have something special why we not use that . we keep our self in illusion prison why that

I will say three question those question look easy and they maybe will help to change our idea about our self :

1- Are you happy ?

2- why?

3-Are you want to be happy?

I know I’m look crazy when I say that you woundering how will hose question help , it very simple think really good about them what you think

Everyone want to be happy the good think is you can , but how is up to you because you are the one who keep you’r self to be happy so it’s time to wake up and make change

For the first question are you happy? some will say yes and some say no , tell me why we keep our self from happiness it’s time to think ‘ let’s change that

The seconde question why? If anyone happy why he or she happy and if he or she not happy why , look for tha thing makes you happy and keep it and let the happiness come

The third question is are you want to be happy? I know all will say yes but are you all ready to take step for that , it’s up to us , so what we wait let’s be happy , let’s change all negative idea we have to positive , stop saying I can’t , I afraid , I will fail and let change to I can , I’m not afraid , I will succeed , the life is like a balloon , the balloon effect with wind and the wind is our idea about our self and life 

   نشر في 03 نونبر 2016 .


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