If only - مقال كلاود
 إدعم المنصة
تسجيل الدخول

If only

  نشر في 04 ماي 2023 .

I believe I'm spending the hardest and busiest day of my life!

I open my eyes then when I realize the day I chevk the clock it's already 12:00 am !

Life goes so fast ! I can not catch up anything!

I think my personality is changing as well I'm becoming an introvert my work is busy my mind is busy I can not focus with anything it's super weird!

Sometimes I feel like it was yesterday then I realize It was years agoo

Sometimes I think I need to take rest from everything and everywhere then I remember if I was not busy I will think about life then I start to be busy again

Life tomorrow I lost the greatest person in my life 5/5 the black day !

It's reality weird She was only one person how this world became so empty 

  • 1

  • No name
    Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul
   نشر في 04 ماي 2023 .


لطرح إستفساراتكم و إقتراحاتكم و متابعة الجديد ... !

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