iraq my country - مقال كلاود
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iraq my country

  نشر في 10 شتنبر 2023 .

- Writing a description of my country


Iraq is a country in southwestern Asia. Iraq borders with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to the south, turkey to the north-west, Jordan to the west, and Iran to the east. The capital of Iraq is Baghdad.

Iraq has been known by the Greek name Mesopotamia which means (Land between the rivers) and has been home to continuous successive civilizations since the 6th millennium BC. The region between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers is often referred to as the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of writing. Iraq was part of several empires; some were Safavid, and Afsharid. During the Mesopotamian campaign of world warl, British Empire troops conquered the Ottoman Empire provinces of Basra and Baghdad and later added the province of Mosul to make Iraq.

Most Iraq is Shia Muslims, Geography the country area lies between two rivers; for this reason the area was called Mesopotamia in ancient ages. The rivers Euphrates and Tigris bound what is called the Fertile Crescent. Iraq also has a small coastline along the Persian Gulf, and this coastline was considered the heart of the petroleum trade in Iraq before the first gulf war. The weather is extremely hot and dry because Iraq is far from seas and oceans and even the close ones are blocked by mountains so that the rainy wind cannot reach the inlands. The region has fertile land because of the two rivers. Iraq is divided into 18 provinces (muhafazah).

Amel Mahdi Salih

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   نشر في 10 شتنبر 2023 .


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