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Health care technology

  نشر في 12 فبراير 2022  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 30 شتنبر 2022 .

Health care technology

Comfort has become a key factor in determining the value of any service provided, which of course includes digital health care services. Our behavior as consumers has adapted to the glitches created by digital technologies in every industry in the world. So, if you're in a hospital or a doctor wondering how you can better look after your patients and win their oral word... Here are trends that will significantly enhance your health care services: 


Mobile Digital Health Care from processing queries via phone, email, WhatsApp or even Chatbots; The goal is to provide high quality health care and comfort patients.

The ability to scan their inquiries and consult once with a specialist medical specialist over the phone allows patients to enjoy a comfortable medical experience free of unnecessary burdens such as booking an appointment, moving around, finding a parking space and pretending to be enjoying an annual medical journal in the lobby, to walk to your office after 30 minutes. Until it's delivered in less than two minutes. Comfort your patients from toiling with long waiting lines and waiting by developing a mobile app for your clinic or hospital. Your patients will be able to comfortably book appointments through the app or leave a query to answer. For yourself, you can prioritize your resources and your time to provide better health care services by getting Chatout queries a shared address and one-time consultations on your website. Furthermore, the mobile app allows you to schedule tests automatically based on each patient's need, which saves a lot of time and grief for both parties. The benefits of mobile health care or telemedicine are enormous and can seriously improve the quality of their health-care services. Especially if you have a small clinic with little room for patients to wait, patiently (yeah, I know, sorry for that).


cloud computing Through outsourcing of time-consuming household chores such as record keeping for cloud service providers, hospitals no longer have to pay attention to allocating or creating new space for paper records for new patients. Cloud services have enabled medical institutions to channel their resources and efforts to better improve basic health care services. Not only that, cloud computing has proved increasingly effective in terms of data privacy and security. The theft of medical data and black markets has always been one of the major issues affecting the health care industry. According to Chief of Security Mintel;

Medical information can be worth 10 times more than credit card information on the black market. - Hector Rodriguez, head of information security at Microsoft Worldwide, said: "Cloud-based solutions have matured to the point that they are safer than local server solutions alone." However, data security and breaches are an ongoing battle where hospitals and other medical institutions must coordinate with reliable cloud service providers. 


Blockchain While medical institutions are still reluctant to adopt cloud computing, the rise of multiple medical techniques has facilitated a private and secure knowledge transfer process that is a key feature of health care.

 For example, a doctor or specialist brought in for consultation may be granted temporary access to the patient's file through a security system used by all relevant parties. Information can also be kept anonymous as circumstances require, allowing patients and doctors to choose to submit data for research, without violating the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation and HIPAA. He recently spoke with Forbes about the impact of Blockchain on health care; Greg Matthews, whose mission is data-centered innovation in health care, the creator of mDigitalLife, a platform for tracking digital trends in health care, provides an additional perspective: "Blockchain can have the greatest impact on health care in enabling health outcomes that take a 360-degree view of a patient's genetic profile, demographic, social and age status


Internet of Things There are early examples of the Internet of Things (L O T) related to health care that emerged about 5 years ago like FitBit of Nike, which tracked your steps to ensure that the user has a healthy amount of physical activity every day.

 Now, thanks to the combination of mobile communication, integrated analyses and wear technology; The Internet of Things has evolved into a point that has radically changed the entire health care sector. - For example, you can:

- Efficient tracking of patients, staff and inventories - Treatment of chronic diseases - Ensuring the availability of critical medical equipment - Improving prescription medicines with smart drugs.

Philips e-Alert is an innovative solution that continuously monitors the performance of the MRI system and issues alerts via mobile messages.

 The development of medical equipment is not a clear process and there are implications and obstacles that need to be carefully taken into account. I still cannot wait to see further progress in this area and how the benefits are these innovative solutions and the promotion of health care for all. 


Large data Websites are no

longer acceptable, people ask for digital experiments, in order to maintain a high level of patient retention, medical institutions of all sizes around the world have realized the importance of allocating their digital experience to each patient's preferences. That is why many health care institutions, hospitals and global professionals have joined the likes of life sciences giant Pfizer in adopting Drupal as the backbone of their digital experiences. Creating a dedicated experiment is where big data plays a key role in empowering you as a health care service provider to improve your resources, efforts and time in trying to deliver better health care to your patients. - For example, the timekeeping system can determine the appropriate iteration of tests needed by the elderly patient and the preferred method of communication through data collected from the patient's historical data. Allocation is not the only benefit gained from analysis of large data. As a doctor, you'll be able to accurately diagnose patients by feeding the information of an artificial intelligence-based health care system about patients' DNA and origins.


Artificial intelligence Using Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, AI devices can save a long life. Thanks to large data and integrated analyses, artificial intelligence devices can enable doctors to detect life - threatening diseases early and recommend the best course of treatment needed in each particular case. There are many innovative artificial intelligence healthcare techniques being developed, such as the newly adopted Food and Drug Administration artificial intelligence diagnostic system that detects eye-related diseases. Disorders were successfully identified by the system in 87% of cases, and individuals without disease were precisely identified 90% of the time. - The dramatic impact of artificial intelligence-based health care techniques and solutions on the entire medical industry has not yet been achieved. Over time, these artificial intelligence technologies can become more effective only because of the constant flow of patient data thanks to the spread of rapid and reliable mobile communication in most regions of the world. - All the above trends and technological advances are driven by the realization that the patient in the digital world is the chief. Patients will always choose the most appropriate, reliable and reliable health care.


(Health information technology)

With the development of information technology and the associated medical discoveries, it was necessary to use both of these things to upgrade medical services for patients; Information technology has entered hospitals and medical institutions, marking a new era of development that has contributed to raising the quality of medical services at all levels, both diagnostic and therapeutic, as well as in-hospital and other mechanisms. - Reliance on information technology and technological medical equipment has played a prominent role in radically changing the quality of health care and raising high levels of operation; Over the past years, hospitals have worked to develop clear and comprehensive plans of action and strategies to make use of information technology in line with the hospital's operating model and medical practices. Hence, a new concept that combines technology and medicine,"medical information technology," is primarily aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of health care, reducing medical errors, improving the efficiency of health care providers and medical management, and making the communication mechanism operational, and, to the extent possible, reducing costs. Health information technology also includes computers and programs dealing with data storage, retrieval and replacement, and helps make good decisions in health care.

(Remote therapy)

- Distance therapy is the use of medical information transmitted from place to place by means of electronic communications to improve the health of the patient, through the use of remote digital information techniques and the management of health care through computers and mobile phones to access health-care services. The medical community in the rest of the world has made use of information technology to reach out-of-State doctors for medical consultation and access to the patient's condition. Today the world is seeing some remote operations, as well as improved communication and coordination of care between members of the health-care team and patients. Modern technology has made it possible to improve the quality of health care and to reach more people. Distance therapy has also contributed to making health care more effective and better coordinated. - There are many sophisticated techniques that have provided doctors with the opportunity to monitor the health status of the patient remotely through mobile applications or the electronic network for uploading information such as reading blood glucose, sending it to the doctor or health care team, or devices that perform the measurement and radio transmission of information, such as blood pressure, blood sugar or lung function. There are also wearable devices that automatically record information transmitted, such as heart rate, blood glucose, walking, body posture control, improvisations, physical activity, or sleep patterns. - In addition to household surveillance devices for older persons and others, which detect changes in normal activities such as occurrence. The concept of distance therapy also includes smart health apps that anyone can download on their smartphone, where a large number of applications are designed to help better regulate medical information in one safe place. Digital applications allow storage of health records, downloading information from devices, such as a blood glucose level monitor or a blood pressure bracelet, and sharing information with your health care providers. Some applications provide personal notifications and recommendations to the patient. Devices such as blood pressure monitors can also connect to the Internet for direct face-to-face interaction with health care providers. Health surveillance at home may particularly benefit people suffering from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, as well as those living in rural or isolated areas. The benefit also includes great ease, fewer visits to the clinic and easy access to medical care and advice. - Remote health care can be non-interactive, i.e. the patient is examined and the information is sent to the doctor for writing the report;

It can only be intended for observation. The physician monitors the patient's state of health by downloading and wi  the information; The type uses wear devices that monitor heartbeat, blood glucose, body position, physical activity and sleep pattern. The most important type is interactive health care; In this case, the doctor can intervene during the examination of the case and guide the surroundings to provide life-saving assistance.

(Medical imaging)

- Diagnostic medical imaging has been one of the areas that have benefited most from the development of technology. Over the past years, medical companies have produced high-quality imaging devices that produce very accurate results and that show the human body as a mirror in front of a doctor. To complement this development, printers paralleling this technological development have appeared in medical imaging of diagnostic image printing in digital printing. Modern technologies today allow for the printing of radiation images of a quality similar to that of radiology films. The diagnostic process today does not require long time. It is only minutes, and the result of the image is shown in front of the radiologist, thanks to sophisticated computer software that specializes in reading the serum. No. The evolution of the software has gone even further, where the doctor can segregate the image. For example, according to ad hoc programs, the doctor can take a section of the image, for example, the kidney, put it alone on the screen and check the details of it by zooming in and miniaturizing it to the extent that he wants and with the high quality of the image. The embryo can also be seen today in its mother's womb and is still in its early stages of formation, with the possibility of identifying health problems, and medicine has gone further so that complex processes can be performed inside the womb of the foetus. Today's advanced medical imaging is done in 3D and 4D, with MRI machines up to 3tesla to show detailed images of the structure of the body from the inside. It looks like a book in front of the doctor, and he's flipping pages. - Positronic tomography is a unique diagnostic test that reflects the increasing role of technology in medical imaging, contributing to the detection of many cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. Positronic tomography scans are often combined with computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reach special doctor visibility. Development did not stop there. Molecular imaging and nuclear medicine came from the broadest doors to determine more and more cancer cells, their location, size and other fine details; This is done after the patient is injected with a radioactive material attracted by cancer cells; It should be noted that the quality of radioactive materials in turn is improving significantly to the point where certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer, glands cancer and others, exist, and certainly the future promises more. Technology in this area has provided an opportunity for interferometric therapies. Some cancer or other tumors can be treated by a radiologist who specializes in interferometric therapies.

(Electronic health record)

It is a digital medical record that contributes to the smooth sharing of information among all the agencies involved in the hospital or medical facility. The doctor has before him the patient's file containing all the details that allow him the possibility of accurate diagnosis, thereby limiting the likelihood of errors. One of the advantages of relying on eHealth is to increase efficiency and productivity more than paper records through rapid access to patient information and thus better care. The physician finds all the patient's personal and medical information, including his/her pathological and medical history, laboratory analyses, her/her reports, radiology examinations and reports, and medication prescriptions. The aim is to facilitate access to the patient's data, medical history and treatment methods, and to have such information available anywhere and at any time. The data is saved from the moment the patient arrives inside the central computer by linking the wave frequency technology smoothly, and the central computer is also connected to other different data portfolios via the network. This process is an ideal flow of information in the clinic. - Through this system, the results of the laboratory tests and the results of the radiography can be obtained in only seconds. The doctor takes a comprehensive look at the patient's file with a single button and has sufficient information about the patient to give him the appropriate treatment. According to day-to-day hospital practice, electronic health records contain much less error than paper records, and contribute to significantly improved communication between doctors, allowing each party full access to the patient's medical history rather than a quick look at the current visit. - The electronic health registry makes it easier for doctors to monitor patients and track ongoing care, either under their supervision or by other patients' doctors; When a patient is in the care of multiple doctors, tracking his or her history, including sensitivity, blood type, current medications, past procedures and other relevant information, can be a problem when relying on paper maps.

(Us of electronic health records) 

 Multiple caregivers are allowed simultaneous access to a patient's record from any computer regardless of location. The electronic record can provide up-to-date information on the patient's full history, including current test results and recommendations from other doctors, allowing for greater collaboration in multiple aspects of patient care.

Health-care providers can also transmit patient data quickly to other departments or service providers, while reducing errors leading to improved results management.     

   نشر في 12 فبراير 2022  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 30 شتنبر 2022 .


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