did i feel empty all this time missing memory can never come back to me?? did i feel happy when am crying?? feel empty is a hard feelig does it? i look for nothing..i dont look to heal myself am happy with my pain its make alive by memories...i miss my popularity..my happy smile...oh no i think am dieing!!!! or maybe its just empty..am missing my black eyes..my heart..my legs breath the good air living all seasons ok without empty problem...i need new born not for myself..but for my familly they begin to hate my character so sad all the time...about the reader did you feel the empty before?? or do you feel my empty?? my hard feling to be lonely too and have no one to talk with about what am feeling..whatever reader thank you for reading and sorry for disturb
Nabila Chorfiأكتب..لأفهم المعنى
نشر في 07 أكتوبر
2016 .
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