Exhibition-Zhejiang Deqing Bureau - مقال كلاود
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Exhibition-Zhejiang Deqing Bureau

Online Virtual Exhibition-Zhejiang Deqing Bureau of Commerce builds an efficient online trading platform for enterprises

  نشر في 05 يونيو 2020  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .

In the first half of this year, many well-known international exhibitions around the whole world have been postponed or cancelled one after another, and most of the domestic professional industry exhibitions in China also suffered the same fate. Then the exhibition is stopped, and no new order comes. Exhibition is the most important channel for Zhejiang foreign trade companies to strengthen contact with old customers and communicate with new customers!

Under the epidemic situation, governments in China have given full play to their advantages to "move" exhibitions to Online at all levels and platforms.

Since May this year, Zhejiang Deqing Bureau of Commerce has decisively made new decisions to organize online virtual exhibitions with Deqing characteristics for enterprises in Deqing county. Based on the data reports of previous years and the industry characteristics and export advantages of the Deqing region, Deqing Bureau of Commerce hosted the 2020 Zhejiang Export Online Trade Fair Huzhou Deqing Station-Outdoor Leisure, Building Materials and Hardware Overseas Exhibitions, relying on the new digital platform, and has successfully completed online trade fairs with ASEAN, India, Central and Eastern Europe, CIS and Middle East. The Deqing Bureau of Commerce builds an interactive platform for enterprises, including online display, online negotiation, online meeting, and online transaction.

"Online Virtual Exhibition" is a revolution in the exhibition industry and a digital innovation for tens of thousands of foreign trade companies. Foreign trade enterprises have embarked on a new track in the reform. From a limited booth space to an infinite online display space, companies continue to grow while welcoming changes. Under the epidemic, the online virtual exhibition has become a common choice for many industrial enterprises to get orders and expand market.

   نشر في 05 يونيو 2020  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .


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