Marriage and beauty - مقال كلاود
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Marriage and beauty

Do not prevent those who want to marry

  نشر في 06 فبراير 2018 .


There is a woman reached the age of forty and has not married yet and whenever the letter was rejected by her father to marry her Vsabha because of this concern and grief and grief Maalh by the knowledge and became only seen sadly and injured by the disease, Mtal to the hospital ...

Then he said to her, "Amen." Then he said, "Amen." Then she said, "God has deprived you of Paradise, as she forbade me from marrying, and then she died." After that, this is a story of reality. Let us consider the eyes of the parents of those who have children or a large father or a great mother, our religion is the religion of love and peace I love you and all created and lived established, you are dead and must be held on the day and must be at the moment stand with yourself.


Prisoner once in a lifetime to know Fadlallah you in freedom

And visit the court once a year to know Fadlallah you in good character

And visit the hospital once a month to know Fadlallah you health and wellness

And visit the garden once a week to know Fadlallah you beauty and nature

Visit the library once a day to know the virtue of God you in mind

And your Lord will visit all that is to know His bounty on you in the truth of life

#Fahad Abdullah Mohammed Al Zamam Al Mousa# Marriage and beauty# Love # ball # # suicide # marriage # friendship # brothers # peace # micro-big # tolerance # home#mobil/009966551102295

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   نشر في 06 فبراير 2018 .


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