Three fundamental contradictions between Israel and human values - مقال كلاود
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Three fundamental contradictions between Israel and human values

  نشر في 23 شتنبر 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .

Three fundamental contradictions between Israel and human values

By Mohammad Atallah Tamimi

In the 21st century, the world is moving even slowly towards promoting the values of humanity by spreading awareness and promoting concepts related to equality, justice and human rights, especially in countries and societies affected by war, conflicts, racial class and social discrimination, including those in Africa, Middle East, and many of Latin American countries.

Between successes and failures here and there, international and human rights institutions are racing to document human rights violations, speaking out loudly about them, and even holding international conferences to discuss them to develop practical solutions to them, which have often led to international intervention in a number of countries, to end the rule of a dictator. Or to overthrow a president or replace him with another.

But if it comes to the Palestinian question, there is no multiple answer, and not even true-false answer. There is only structural answers that aim to move the problem away from talking about it. and for sure "Anti-Semitism" It is the instrument of intimidation, and unfortunately, the compass of those who advocate for freedoms and human rights deviates when it comes to Israel's violation of Palestinian human values.

In this context, I will try to review Three fundamental contradictions between Israel and human values:

Exploitation of Religion

Although religion and belief are issues that contribute to the promotion of human respect for his brother from any religion or belief, thereby bringing the psychological comfort of the individual and stability to a society whose components coexist in peace and security, Israel, as ISIS and the Taliban, have a special exception to exploit religion for incitement and racial discrimination.

This is evident in Israel's relentless pursuit of Palestinian and international recognition of Israel as a "Jewish state" without any respect for 20% of its Muslim and Christian population in the territories occupied in 1948, and about 50% of non-Jews in the historic lands of Palestine, and its Arab and Islamic surroundings in the Middle East, where relations are very complex.

If you want to understand this complex nature of using religion for degenerate purposes, you can visit the Al-Shuhada' Street in Hebron, where Palestinians are forbidden to pass through the road, which was established by the Palestinians before the establishment of Israel itself in 1948, the same in many Palestinian towns and villages.

Exploitation of Money

Money is the most important tool for Israel to buy support around the world, and to ensure that it gains political positions in support of its colonial presence and racist behavior in Palestine and its Middle East environs.

Sadly, Israel is using religion to rob the world's Jews under the pretext of protecting Judaism, ensuring that there is an entity representing the world's Jews, facing the dangers of the future, Anti-Semitism, etc.

The strange thing is that Israel gains both sides, gives to buy political positions, and takes to buy emotional positions, and it is regrettable that the world, especially the Jewish community spread around the world has not yet understood the opportunistic nature of Israel, which is no less than a colonial entity planted by colonialism in the Middle East for subversive their purposes, not for love of the Jews, nor an appreciation of their suffering.

Exploitation of Media

To win world public opinion, Israel exploits the media as an important means of Islamophobia that justifies its killing of innocent Palestinians, the suffering of Jews in Europe throughout history from the Inquisition to the Holocaust, and much earlier, to draw sympathy for world public opinion to present its narrative as a self-defending entity, With the Iranian threat, the Syrian, Years before, Iraqi, Libyan, Egyptian, Jordanian, and the Palestinian demographic danger, it has forgotten that the greatest danger to its colonial existence is to continue to deny the values of humanity and continue its aggression against innocent people and provoke feelings, and the dignity of the Palestinian people.

In spite of this unethical exploitation of the media by Israel, it should be noted that with the rapid development of the media, social media tools have become the most threatening to Israel by breaking the monopoly of information that has been confined for years to the traditional media in Britain, France and the United States, which supported Clearly, the Israeli narrative is consistent with it in justifying the killing of innocent Palestinians. Today, social media tools are showing the truth as it is.

Last but not least, it is important to emphasize that religion is the food of the soul, and that the world should not allow our souls to be polluted, money is the food of the body, and that no one should be allowed to destroy our bodies, the media is the food of mind , and that it is necessary to fight those who try to contaminate our minds and consciousness.

   نشر في 23 شتنبر 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .


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