. - مقال كلاود
 إدعم المنصة
تسجيل الدخول



  نشر في 18 شتنبر 2020 .

Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020 (UAE, Saudi Arabis, Oman, Egypt-Consumer Goods), hosted by the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province which will be held from Sep.14th -21st, 2020. and will be undertaken by Zhejiang Zhongzhe International Exhibition & Commerce Co., Ltd. More than 60 enterprises from Zhejiang and UAE, Saudi Arabia ,Egypt, Oman purchasers will be a part of this unique online exhibition through a video conference. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on economies and societies. In an attempt to minimize the impact of lack of production of household daily necessities and decorative supplies, and to provide a solution for enterprises, when they are unable to take part in an on-ground exhibition and merchants are facing hassles in communication, the department of commerce of Zhejiang province is offering this unique online platform where in an exhibition on Household necessities in UAE and Egypt countries will take place. The online fair gives a legal, effective, reliable, and affordable way to trade; giving full play to the numbers of Zhejiang economic advantages. Use of big data, mobile internet, social community-integrated digital solutions, such as precision docking. Zhejiang Household necessities product of procurement required with UAE,Saudi Arabia ,Egypt,Oman countries, keeping clear of the international supply chain. The Fair will be held from Sep. 14th -21st, 2020, with more than 60 purchasers of Household necessities product industry associations, enterprises and related institutions taking part and 60 high-quality Zhejiang Household necessities product manufacturers realizing online accurate docking and accurate matching through internet cloud video conferencing technology. During the online fair, digital services such as cloud exhibitions, cloud promotion, and cloud negotiation for the exhibitors will also be provided in Zhejiang province. All aspects and multiple dimensions will be displayed in the exhibits so that the overseas buyers can have a more intuitive understanding of the exhibits and relevant information and promote the online transaction between the supply and demand sides.

   نشر في 18 شتنبر 2020 .


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