Zoom and Avaya announce new strategic partnership to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences - مقال كلاود
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Zoom and Avaya announce new strategic partnership to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences

  نشر في 30 أكتوبر 2023  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 26 مارس 2024 .

Zoom and Avaya announce new strategic partnership to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences

Avaya selects Zoom‘s AI-powered collaboration platform, Zoom Workplace, to integrate with Avaya’s Communication and Collaboration Suite to help enterprises reimagine teamwork

SAN JOSE, Calif., and MORRISTOWN, NJ, March 25, 2024 - Today, Zoom and Avaya announced a strategic partnership designed to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences to global enterprises. As part of the partnership, Avaya selected Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s AI-powered collaboration platform that will include meetings, team chat, scheduler, whiteboard, spaces, and more — to integrate with Avaya’s Communication & Collaboration Suite, providing customers with a new, streamlined way to manage their communications environments and workflows.

Additionally, Avaya will offer the integrated Zoom Workplace solution and will deliver an enhanced collaboration experience to its base, which boasts some of the industry’s largest enterprise customers.

Adding innovation value without disruption

Avaya customers can gain additional value from their existing investments in Avaya private cloud and premise-based solutions while also leveraging Zoom’s user experience and interface to power their collaboration needs.

“Today’s enterprises are seeking to benefit from the latest AI-powered innovations to help differentiate, accelerate, and grow, all while integrating new levels of performance with minimal disruption to existing core systems,” said Alan Masarek, Avaya CEO. “By partnering with Zoom, we can deliver on the promise of ‘innovation without disruption’ for Avaya customers, providing added value to enterprises through world-class collaboration experiences within the Avaya platform.”

“Zoom was built to offer a sophisticated yet easy-to-use product, and as Zoom has expanded to include hundreds more products and features, as well as generative AI integrated throughout, delivering an exceptional user experience is still core to who we are and something we continue to invest heavily in,” Eric S. Yuan, Zoom founder and CEO. “Customers and partners like Avaya continue to look to Zoom to power their collaboration needs because of its speed of innovation and because it just works. We are excited to deliver that same experience to the thousands of Avaya customers who will benefit from a simple yet powerful way to collaborate.”

Enhanced collaboration with Zoom and Avaya

Existing Avaya customers will retain their investments in Avaya’s solutions and devices while benefiting from Zoom’s AI-powered collaboration platform, Zoom Workplace.

Working together, Zoom and Avaya’s partnership is designed to deliver a joint solution that will provide an enhanced collaboration user experience for Avaya customers, including:

• Interoperability between platforms and devices, enabling users to work in Zoom Workplace while also leveraging their existing investments in Avaya’s Communication & Collaboration Suite solutions — Avaya Aura and Avaya Enterprise Cloud — without disrupting investments in existing customizations, workflows, or infrastructure.

• Access to Zoom AI Companion, Zoom’s generative AI digital assistant.

• Collaboration solutions such as Zoom Team Chat, Zoom Scheduler, Zoom Whiteboard, flexible spaces, and more.

The new Avaya and integrated Zoom Workplace experience and device interoperability will be available to Avaya customers globally in the coming months. More details around the joint solution will be shared later this spring.


   نشر في 30 أكتوبر 2023  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 26 مارس 2024 .


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