Investopia Platform Launches its New Economies Talks in Rabat Through UAE-Morocco Business Session - مقال كلاود
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Investopia Platform Launches its New Economies Talks in Rabat Through UAE-Morocco Business Session

• Investopia organized business session in Morocco in collaboration with the General confederation of Moroccan Companies, titled ‘Investopia Morocco business talk: current market landscape, opportunities, challenges’ • Rabat was the second stop in the series of global Investopia talks that started in India in May 2022 • The session discussed innovative and sustainable investment opportunities in the green economy sectors of the circular economy, advanced industries, green energy and the role of digital technology in accelerating the transformation of global investments into these sectors

  نشر في 11 يونيو 2022 .

   نشر في 11 يونيو 2022 .


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