western desert - مقال كلاود
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western desert

western desert

  نشر في 06 أبريل 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .

western desert

Enjoy your vacation and go to the western desert, with best Offer deals company Oasis Egypt Safari. Do not miss a chance to tour unravel of the western desert.

TRIP OVERVIEW at the western desert :-

The western desert very southernmost outpost of Kharga Oasis is marked by a Roman fortress known simply as el-Qasr (literally ‘the Fortress’), a mudbrick structure gauge about 30m by 20m.

western desert

In Roman times in western desert a small plastron of troops would have guarded the fortress, but it is not known whether it was purely a military guard-post or if intended to control the trade route at the southern end of the Darb el-Arbain.

The structure is situated in a palm-grove on the eastern side at desert egypt of the paved road, but little is visual today. When it was excavated by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities in the 1980s.

over 150 Ottoman tombs were as well as a fantastic deal of Roman pottery sherds, attesting to the age and continued use of the site , Quench your thirst Toward new discovery with oasis egypt safari.

western desert

Dush is situated about 15km north-east of el-Qasr in western desert , at a point where five ancient desert tracks met at bahariya oasis .

One of the tracks, western desert the Darb el-Dush, led over the treacherous White desert escarpment to the Nile valley towns of Esna and Edfu at the bahariya oasis , an important and heavily used route during Roman times in western desert.

Surrounding the hill of the Darb el-Dush is the site of the ancient town of (Lysis) in White desert , one of the oldest Roman ruins in Kharga Oasis , western desert.

western desert

there are There as well the white desert at bahariya oasis border town , drove by a big garrison of Roman troops while it include a mud brick fortress Qasr Dush and two temples is the better in western desert .

To the north-east of the fortress western desert was an extensive necropolis zone where families of funeral workers plied their trade, attested by an archive of around fifty documents dating from AD 237 to AD 314.

experience going to desert egypt Well worth the adventure making you feel so energized and alive, Where they exist magical sand dunes, You certainly couldn’t enjoy an Egyptian vacation without seeing the western desert.

For More Information Get in Touch:

place: Egypt

Email: info@oasisegyptsafari.com

phone:+2 01009657455 +2 0122348157

+2 01286066502

website: http://oasisegyptsafari.com/

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   نشر في 06 أبريل 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .


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