Patent Drafting Services - مقال كلاود
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Patent Drafting Services

Patent Drafting Services

  نشر في 05 نونبر 2022 .

 Patent Drafting Services

We provide our clients with a complete study, photography and a high professional vision in this field; Where the protection elements and the full description of the invention and its drawings are formulated in harmony with the different patent laws in the world, through qualified and trained specialists with high experience.

We are working to make our efforts to speed up the examination procedures in the national patent offices; So, we offer our clients the following: Analysis of search reports: to find any granted patents for the desired applications that are valid in national patent offices.

Amendments to the elements of protection: to make the application conform to national patent laws.

Follow up on the examination process: the “validation process” is completed by the issuance of a granted patent.

   نشر في 05 نونبر 2022 .


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منصة مقال كلاود هي المكان الأفضل لكتابة مقالات في مختلف المجالات بطريقة جديدة كليا و بالمجان.


تخول منصة مقال كلاود للكاتب الحصول على جميع الإحصائيات المتعلقة بمقاله بالإضافة إلى مصادر الزيارات .


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يمكنك كتابة مقالك من مختلف الأجهزة سواء المحمولة أو المكتبية من خلال محرر المنصة



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