Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection - مقال كلاود
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Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection

Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection

  نشر في 09 يوليوز 2022 .

Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection

Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection

The difference between the utility model and patent protection might be a subject of interest to all those who are interested in intellectual property and patent protection rights and plan to gain commercial benefits from their inventions and protecting them.

Before getting into details of the difference between the utility model and patent protection we need to know what is the patent itself.

What is the meaning of a patent?

A patent is an exclusive right that is given to an invention, product, or process that provides a new technical solution to a problem. the main purpose of a patent is to provide exclusive rights to its holder and prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention like process, machine, scientific creations, article of manufacture, compositions of matters, or any new useful improvement thereof in that country during the life of the patent.

   نشر في 09 يوليوز 2022 .


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منصة مقال كلاود هي المكان الأفضل لكتابة مقالات في مختلف المجالات بطريقة جديدة كليا و بالمجان.


تخول منصة مقال كلاود للكاتب الحصول على جميع الإحصائيات المتعلقة بمقاله بالإضافة إلى مصادر الزيارات .


تخول لك المنصة تنقيح أفكارك و تطويرأسلوبك من خلال مناقشة كتاباتك مع أفضل الكُتاب و تقييم مقالك.

 بيئة العمل

يمكنك كتابة مقالك من مختلف الأجهزة سواء المحمولة أو المكتبية من خلال محرر المنصة



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