Israel .. not even apply the law of the Jews - مقال كلاود
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Israel .. not even apply the law of the Jews

Dr. Abdullah Al-Beltagy

  نشر في 29 يوليوز 2014 .

Israel .. not even apply the law of the Jews

Dr. Abdullah Al-Beltagy

Dr. Abdullah Al-Beltagy


1 - Israel claimed that (3) Mistotunaian were kidnapped in Jerusalem.

2 - even with the ratification of the Israeli claim.

3 - Israel is responsible for security in Jerusalem

4 - It is by virtue of the authority of the occupation.

5 - and not the Palestinian Authority.

6 - and not Hamas.

7 - However, Hamas has been accused of the process!!!!!.

8 - and even to impose the Israeli claim as a whole.

9 - the Mosaic Law (the Jewish Torah).

10 - based on "Alusiaya ten."

11 - which is based on what it says Koran.

12 - {and we wrote them where that self-esteem and eye for an eye, nose, nose and ear ear and tooth for a tooth, and wounds retaliation, it is incredible it is the expiation for him and not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the wrong-doers} - {and we wrote them where that self-esteem and eye for an eye, nose, nose and ear ear and tooth for a tooth, and wounds retaliation, it is incredible it is the expiation for him and not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the wrong-doers} table - 45

13 - Had Israel (the only Jewish state in the world): apply Jewish law.

14 - for the first out, for example: Kidnapping (3) the Palestinians.

15 - either from Jerusalem or even Ramallah, or even from Gaza.

16 - and of course, Israel is able to do so simply.

17 - and avenge the kidnapping of the three settlers.

18 - but Israel (Zionist and non-Jewish, but claim) does not apply Jewish law.

19 - but Israel (Nazi - Zionist) apply the law of the Nazi (genocidal), which applied only to the Nazi Jews only.

  • د. عبدالله البلتاجى رئيس بحوث متفرغ - مركز البحوث الزراعيه معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات مؤسس حزب المساواه والعدل رئيس جمعية الخدمات المتكامله نائب رئيس الجمعيه المصريه لنهضة المجتمع العلمى مؤسس رابطة آل البلتاجى عضو مجلس إدار ...
   نشر في 29 يوليوز 2014 .


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