Civil Space Institute - مقال كلاود
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Civil Space Institute

Education that communities need

  نشر في 03 نونبر 2019 .

<<<<Civil Space Institute>>>>
Abduljabbar Hussein Aldhufri
-:About the Civil Space Institute

Founded in 2014 by the Civil Space Institute, the idea is “Fawzi Guled”. There are also directors including “Khaled El Bahr” and “Ammar Jorif”. Space provided free training programs for Arabic-speaking activists. Space aims to build, produce and share knowledge, through participatory distance learning via an electronic learning platform. Graduated from its programs over the past 5 years more than 3500 people from 20 Arab countries.
Today, space is six years old and it seeks to create a “virtual community community forum” that will probably take two years or more because the core essence of space is to build strategic capacity within member organizations and to institutionalize a society that has mastered the arts of practice and is able to sustain its life cycle. The aim of the Civil Space Institute is to “contribute to the development, promotion and advancement of the broad adoption of best practices of internal governance of civil society organizations” and is one of the most important activities of the Institute for 2018.
What motivated me to write about this space in which I consider myself a glorious and diligent student because I felt the world of organization in it was my belief in the idea envisaged by the whole framework of organizing the lessons and materials we receive remotely.
The Institute of Civil Space is the beginning of positioning within the remote practice community…
The most important is the organization of forums on the ground when the stage so requests to build cadres and capacity of youth and knowledge on the basis of modern democracy and humanitarian systems serious in helping human societies today.
If we want to define it from a social point of view, it is a global civil society that is active remotely and discusses issues at the heart of our contemporary reality. It brings together people from all over the Arab world. Almost all of us have one obsession: to seek outlet and outlet for free education that does not require a specific cultural level, age, or card to prove your ideological or partisan affiliation. It is important to be the owner of an idea and an issue that occupies your head tube, and you know we lack institutes on the ground learning the arts of the community of practice amid this hell of wars, revolutions and abnormal life phenomena.

  • abduljabbar Hussein Aldhufri
    أستاذ مهندس/ عبدالجبار حسين الظفري البلد/ الجمهورية اليمنية المؤهل/ -بكالوريوس في تكنولوجيا التعليم والمعلومات .دراسات عليا ماجستير حالياً في تكنولوجيا التعليم وتقنية المعلومات جامعة صنعاء .دكتوراه الفخرية في مجال ...
   نشر في 03 نونبر 2019 .


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