ترجمة مقال كأنه سديم بقلم المترجم د. حسام رمضان - مقال كلاود
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ترجمة مقال كأنه سديم بقلم المترجم د. حسام رمضان

  نشر في 27 غشت 2020  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 16 ديسمبر 2023 .

ترجمة مقال كأنه سديم للكاتبة سهام السايح بقلم الكاتب العالمي الدكتور حسام رمضان

(Like a Mist)

Who among us does not leave anything trapped in memory. We leave it chiseled in memory so we do not engage ourselves in the defeats of confrontation. We leave it that way because it resiliently and prettily complicated and goes skin deep due to a strong recognition. We leave it that way because it is paradoxical. It is delicate that emotions come apart in it. It is however heavy just like mountains. That intricacy requires a lot of risks to face.

We see it as a mist, fluffy and soft. We see it as a constellation of distant and dim stars that look like a whispy cloud emitting a low light. It is just like a mist.

But why do we leave it chisled in memory?

Because it is half a dream, half a reality and half a solution.

Does power lie in the ability to conceal that thing, or to face it and go through its clearest details. It is however too strong to be contained, and too weak to be left.

Where all of these wandering details go? Will they remain valuable one day? Will they remain hidden in one of the angles of life? Or will the gown of confusion be adjacent to it?

They might have been chiseled either in old days or in nowadays. We might also confuse the mysterious past and the incomprehensible present.

These details are something of subscouncious programming. Our view of them is the only thing to change that programming. Your life is your story, and you are its only protagonist, you are the one who puts the characters and writes the dialogues and the endings. You let it have a second chapter, third and fourth. There are some issues that could be more beautiful as long as they are mysterious, especially that their clarity might break something nice inside us, thus, we might pay very severe taxes for that… very severe.        

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   نشر في 27 غشت 2020  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 16 ديسمبر 2023 .


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تخول منصة مقال كلاود للكاتب الحصول على جميع الإحصائيات المتعلقة بمقاله بالإضافة إلى مصادر الزيارات .


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