Iran; a paper tiger - مقال كلاود
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Iran; a paper tiger

  نشر في 10 ديسمبر 2015 .

When one looks at the map of Iran and takes a look at its spacious area that extends from Arab Sea in the south to Caspian Sea in the north, from Pakistan in the east to Turkey in the west and after finding out the natural and human resources it possesses, one may think that it is a great country that enjoys stability and security and one may also imagine that the Iranian people are leading a luxurious and prosperous life. But, a deep and thoughtful look at the reality of this country, the developments inside it and the tensions storming it, one will find that one’s first impression was far much away from truth. The country’s real image will be much like a tiger of paper that is on the brink of collapse and destruction at the very moment it is hit by any serious storm.

During my participation in the late conference of “The Arab Struggle Movement for Liberating Ahvaz” held in Copenhagen, Denmark, I had the chance to meet some brothers from Ahvaz and other representatives of different social components in Iran. Through my meetings I came to the fact that the Iranian society is living in a state of collapse and dispersion. The deep causes of this state of chaos and instability lie in the wrong strategy that was adopted by Khomeini after he took power in Iran. Khomeini’s strategy was based on expanding his country’s power at the expense of neighboring countries and on intervening in other countries’ affairs on the basis of the article 117 of Iran’s constitution.

Iranian politicians realize very well the internal contradictions in their society and the increasing congestion that grows on daily basis. They know that the vast majority of young generation has reached unprecedented state of dissatisfaction with their way of managing the Iranian life that has become schizophrenic for the Iranian youth. Iranian youth live inside their houses a totally different life from the one that they live outside. These paradoxes are added to the doomed policy of “Persianization” of other ethnic groups that live in Iran.

The expanding policy of Iran that has opened many fronts in many countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, in addition to the low oil prices as well as the great amount of finances spent by the Iranian regime on the nuclear deal have pushed the country to a stifling economic crisis which added to the fragility and weakness of the Iranian internal situation that will in turn accelerate its collapse.

The Mullahs of Tehran have always worked on exporting their crises outside the country in order to distract the attention from the internal situation. They strived to create external enemies in order to unify the Iranian people who is a mixture of different and contradicting ethnicities, races and religions.

We can here mention some of the major components of the Iranian society such as the Azari, Turk, Kurd, Gilak, Mazendari, Arab, Lori, Bakhtiari, Turkmen and Armenian ethnicities. Most of the previously mentioned feel oppressed and rejected because of the racial discrimination against them. The Persian dominating ethnicity monopolizes decision making at the political and economic levels and that’s why many liberation movements have been established among many ethnicities to face the Persian domination.

The Iranian policy is aggressive in nature and based on “offensive is the best of defensive strategy.” It keeps looking for any pretext to intervene in other countries’ affairs whether they are neighboring or not. If we look into one of these pretexts used by Iran to justify its intervention in Syria, we will find that Iran is pushing sectarian militias to go to Syria claiming that they are defending the Shiite “holy shrines” despite the fact that those shrines have been protected for more than one thousand years by Muslims and non-Muslims.

Iran is also trying to proselytize the Sunnis and convert them to becoming Shiite in many Muslim countries, in addition to its attempts of invading the Arab world culturally through many TV channels that broadcast in Arabic and other study centers, newspapers and magazines that are financed by Iran. As an example but not limited to this number, Cairo has more than 83 publishing houses and study centers that are being financed directly by Iran.

If Iran doesn’t stop its hostile policy, the neighboring countries, particularly the Gulf countries on top of which Saudi Arabia, as well as Turkey will be obliged to demand the expel of Iran from all Islamic organizations, particularly the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and to uncover Iran’s violations of human rights and its policy of “Persianization” that is practiced on non-Persian components. Other reactions can be taken in this respect such as facing Iran’s strategy with a similar one which means moving from defensive to offensive by supporting liberation movements inside Iran, such as “The Arab Struggle Movement to Liberate Ahvaz” and other Azari or Turkmen liberation movements.

We do know that the Persians are a minority in the Iranian society and there are social components that outnumber them in it which are the Azari, Turk and Turkmen descendant ethnicities. The Turkish side can support the Turk-descendant groups at many levels, financially, diplomatically and media-wise, while the Arab side can fully support the Ahvaz Liberation Movement and work on giving the people of Ahvaz a permanent membership in the Arab League. Other non-Persian liberation movements have the potential of unifying their powers and word in order to launch a common battle to attain their liberty and freedom.

The Iranian regime has to change its policy in the region in order to be able to coexist peacefully with the other peoples and it has to realize that permanent friendships are built among peoples, not among despots and dictatorships. The Iranian regime has to realize that that the will of people is unconquerable and that it is weaker than a spider web. The Iranian leaders should know that they have only brought mayhem and destruction through their reckless and irresponsible policies that will destroy them if they keep following them. Iran will collapse sooner or later if this regime keeps committed to its policy. They should know that he whose house is made of class, should not throw others’ houses with stones.

Jamal Karsli

   نشر في 10 ديسمبر 2015 .


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