One of billions people
A novel never exist the Wanderlust
نشر في 06 أبريل 2017 وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .
It was a dark night in the middle of the day where I discovered that I'm one of a billion people on earth.who able to be an amazing individual; cause I used to be annoying to others, no one thinking of changing himself yet no changing will be in life or even one thinking to be a better person for others or himself. Every one thinking he is a good enough to be called a good person. However, I thought I must be the change that I want to see in others proudly
It's stunning to admit that I became a thinker to think of thinking itself. I decided to change, chill and be happy no matters what.
Suddenly! The door was knocking while I was in the yard looking at the sky, I got out of my yard the I kept walking fast steps toward my door to check out who was knocking that badly!! Maybe something happened to some one I used to know "telling my self."
I opened and no one was in the door!!
I just turned back to yard frightened thinking who may came at the middle of the night,then hearing the knock again,I ignored! But rushed right away to sneek a look, but it was no body! I decided to go to bed to take a nap maybe I'm tired .I wake up next day and I finished reading the chapter of the novel about the wanderlust, and my heart couldn't handle that curiosity to discover who was knocking
To be continue..!!
I want to figure out who was knocking the door, I won't forgive the author. The end.
Weiam Adel Al-RabuoiOne must be sane to think deeply,but one can think deeply and be quite insane