New beginning - مقال كلاود
 إدعم المنصة
تسجيل الدخول

New beginning

  نشر في 01 يناير 2023 .

With ending another year ,burying another dreams another weeks days and moments..

Every year is different and no doubt how difficult and different this year was .

We lost people , feelings etc.

in the same time we gained people and feelings etc.

This year is different and the only one that I really want to thank is me myself and I , I was their for me I helped me I stood by my side I worked for me .

I almost filled all the to do list for this year except some that I will definitely continue with working on them .

Each yera I realize how family is everything and how they can affect on everything on you .

May we never lose feelings for the one that we love , may we stay by each other's side forever and always .

May God protect the one that we love.

May we never lose faith 🤍

  • No name
    Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul
   نشر في 01 يناير 2023 .


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