Something of everything. .. - مقال كلاود
 إدعم المنصة
تسجيل الدخول

Something of everything. ..

  نشر في 10 نونبر 2020 .

She said :

Well ! I am sorry to shock you dear and destroy all your perspectives.

First, I do not want to believe of what you think, I am sorry for that, and I apologize to bothering you by this :

I do not have a dream or a big dream, and I do not want to be a part of this play, I do not desire to be a member of those who have the biggest dream ever the "American Dream", and I do not feel that they are doing an extraordinary manner.

I am telling you that I do not like to be the same as they are ;" machines", I have to confess that I have no desire in what most of people admire or want to be.. Afterall I have no compassion for things that have no soul. I acknowledge that the only thing i am seeking for is being a human, the value the modern world is losing little by little. 

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   نشر في 10 نونبر 2020 .


لطرح إستفساراتكم و إقتراحاتكم و متابعة الجديد ... !

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