Martyr of Allah and the movement of awareness which approach through the holy Kufa platform - مقال كلاود
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Martyr of Allah and the movement of awareness which approach through the holy Kufa platform

Shahid Allah and his advocacy movement which approach through the holy Kufa platform for the nation to live an educational approach

  نشر في 28 يوليوز 2017 .

Martyr of Allah and the movement of awareness which approach through the holy Kufa platform

Abbas Attieh Abbas Abu Ghneim

Perhaps the follower of the Republic of fear and under the mercy of a merciless executioner and his cowardly, mentally and culturally cowardly mercenaries whose republic never knew mercy, the light of the supreme authority in Najaf emerged and years passed from the traditional Hawzawi pronunciation in his new dress to satisfy the thirst of people. Abd al-Tariq Sinin, who knows that the activist preacher is exploiting the element of time in favor of his political activity and his authority, which will make him enemies of the government and others. This has left him no choice but to confront and reform this nation, which is weakened by disgraceful weakness. Taken from the Holy Friday pulpit of the Tribune of Liberty and delivering the desired goal to make the nation as conscious as it is.

Kufa is the birthplace of the awaited Imam

Perhaps the Second Martyr thinker (Holy of Holiness) in the era of appearance wants us to be aware of the educational and moral approach and the presence of his blessed person through his reformist approach and dedication for the sake of the absent Imam and to make the rule for him even after a while of eternity, and through his Friday sermons and reflections, The second (God's secret) chest is the educational and social conscious goals of a generation that has been torn apart by successive governments.

The preacher who took the Koran approach evidence of consciousness and fairness?

Do we want you to be thankful?

He said it over and over again, perhaps in most of his blessed speeches, we will find you praying. That rest of life? We ask you the light? But repeated this blessed and explained a beautiful explanation taken from the young generation thirsty for consciousness sitting in the mosque of Kufa, the meaning of the meaning of any blessed and how to manifest the light of the holy martyr martyr and his auspicious approach.

(45) His sermons shook the tyrannical tyrants and tyrants and paved the way to paralyze his movement in Iraq and other Islamic cities and the world, for a fair reformer followed by a faction of the people to make a nation walking on the awareness of the road fork and in a sermon to him (Reza) in the month of Ramadan "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:" I have received you a month with blessing and mercy. "Then he said that God knows what the souls of mankind are lacking and what is in their deeds of negligence and what is in their thinking of default, which leads them to increase sins and defects. The maturity of the reward and the consequent lack of moral integration in the degrees of faith Qian "" finished saying (RIP) and integration that has not been considered and focus on his leadership to the Iraqi society and under the bloody Baath and the harbingers of society around the platform Friday and perhaps the sacred street has a certain approach of insider cruised Wihdah.

Perhaps the preacher who moved the time machine for the benefit of the nation and he knows that the people will scold him with a group of believers, deal with time in a spirit of reassurance of the Almighty God and to start from the platform Friday sermons awareness in the provinces and then Najaf province and everyone knows how echoed these speeches, He asked his Eminence that he did not want to shed innocent blood in the Taher Mosque and other Baathist machinations at the time, and the last witness to seal his honorable life, the sermon which was bitten by the Gypsies. This was not in the accounts of any Reference m But Mr. Shahid Allah (PBUH) enlightened their path and guided those who guided him on his pure hand. On this last Friday, we heard only the sound of whining and sorrow, as God Almighty described it. Except they were mockery (30))

  • الصحفي عباس أبو غنيم
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   نشر في 28 يوليوز 2017 .


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