safari white desert - مقال كلاود
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safari white desert

safari white desert

  نشر في 25 فبراير 2019 .

safari white desert

amazing trip safari white desert. Now Change your trip to safari white desert into experience magical With Oasis Egypt Safari that's The white desert with Oasis Egypt Safari more remarkable then I could have ever imagined.

just let your imagination go as wild as it can and go to safari white desert with company Oasis Egypt Safari. The White Desert is part of the Western Desert of Egypt, that makes you feel like you travelled back in time to stone ages again.

with Oasis Egypt Safari you can have safari on the dunes of soft sand. And since there are dunes of soft sand there will be plenty of activities that you can do over there and enjoy your time to the maximum.

safari white desert

TRIP OVERVIEW at the safari white desert

Day 1

After arrive to bahariya oasis start to going to black desert and going to the Bedouin village we will have our lunch in the cold spring and after that we going to Crystal mountain it's This is a good appropriateness.

and also going to Al agabat desert then to safari white desert, see rabbit rook and going to camping in white desert and dinner under of million stars.

Day 2

enjoy trips safari white desert, See sunrise and take breakfast and going to see chicken and mushroom rook then going to the hot spring then back to bahariya oasis and Cairo.

safari white desert

Live the superior experience with oasis egypt safari at White desert , enjoy your trip in White desert. together so you can spend less time searching and more time dreaming about where you’ll go.

Explore the culture and heritage a Bedouin style you will live Bedouin night that you have never dreamt and took amazing photos , live the fantasy and fly to the land of art and beauty with Oasis Egypt Safari at trips to safari white desert.

For More Information Get in Touch:

Address: Egypt


phone: +2 01009657455 +2 0122348157

+2 01286066502

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   نشر في 25 فبراير 2019 .


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