Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari - مقال كلاود
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Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

  نشر في 31 أكتوبر 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

El-Wahat El-Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt.

Located 200 miles from Cairo, Bahariya Oasis serves as a jumping-off point for many safari trips into the desert. This is not only because it is the closest of the four desert oases to Cairo.

There is one hot spring worth visiting if you have some extra time. Bir Al-Ghana (the Well of the Forest) is about 12 kilometers northeast of Bawiti in a eucalyptus grove.

the Bahariya oasis was a center of husbandry producing juice sold in the Nile, In addition to the very well, located at The White Desert it was there stunning finds such that as of the Golden Mummies at Bahariya oasis.

The Bahariya oasis Has consists of many villages like villages of (Mandishah) as well as el-Zabuabout Located ten kilometers.

And A smaller village called el-‘Aguz lies between El Bawiti and Mandishah.

As well, of which El Bawiti is the largest and the managerial center.

The Bahariya consists of many villages like Harrah, the easternmost village, is a few kilometers east of Mandishah and el-Zabu. and finally, El Hayz called is and located in the southernmost village.

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Trip Over View At Bahariya Oasis:

Day 1

Moving from Bahariya to Visit Palm tree gardens –the lake – Dest & magrafa [pyramid mountain ] in this place the biggest two Dinosaurs were discovered –Beer elghapa hot spring –Beer El matter hot spring.

at Bahariya oasis visit the English ruler house and swimming in spring and visit black desert _ dinner sleep in the pebble dunes.

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Day 2

Moving after breakfast to the Bedouin village [El haze ] cold spring –crystal mountain –then going to El Agabat then to Roman spring (ain khadra –Then going to new white desert.

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Day 3

We going from the new white desert to the old white desert (Wadi El Khiam) the then we will move to see some stones which formed from the effect of the wind like (mushroom - horse - chicken - ice cream) and returning to Bahariya oasis than to Cairo.

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari

Company Oasis Egypt Safari, one of the preferable safari trip companies, will you take to another world for you to explore the various amazing sites that Egypt and desert Egypt, now you can spend trip amazing at Bahariya Oasis.

For More Information Get in Touch:

Address: bawiti bahariya oasis, Giza, Egypt


phone:+2 01009657455 +2 01223481575+2 01286066502


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   نشر في 31 أكتوبر 2019  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .


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