آداب اللعب في كازينو: أشياء يجب وضعها في الاعتبار - مقال كلاود
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آداب اللعب في كازينو: أشياء يجب وضعها في الاعتبار

  نشر في 26 نونبر 2020 .

Its classic gambling situation in an established casino is an exciting venture that no player would want to miss. If you are familiar with virtual games, there are some things you need to know about testing your luck at land-based casinos. There are vast differences between them, and in case you want to blend in in the crowd, take the time to read our list below:

The golden rule

Gambling is fun but there's a reason there's a disclaimer posted on websites or even standing next to the entrance and casino floor. Players are encouraged to follow a simple rule of thumb not to spend more than you can afford.

Of course, companies have made efforts to make payments more available and easier for their customers. There are ATMs on almost every casino floor, and online payment methods make depositing much easier than ever. You can spend every penny you get with online casino bonuses but that shouldn't stop you from following the golden rule.

Just because you can cash out faster doesn't mean you have to spend it just as quickly. Always make sure you know your boundaries and stick to them. You will be happier knowing that you can keep some money in your pocket instead of nothing at all!


Most land-based casinos are built inside huge resorts that employ hundreds of servers. A single gambling floor can be cumbersome to service waiters and waitresses. Tipping is not always mandatory but much appreciated. They deal with hooligan players more than you do.

A little tip goes a long way, too! You'll be surprised at what merchants, servers, and other employees can do for you if you give them something that makes their job a little easier.


Not everyone enjoys a table full of drunk players. Pay attention to your performance when it comes to drinking alcohol while playing. Drinking too much can lead to mishaps and wet cards. You might even accidentally show off your poker hands if you aren't careful!

Hands off the cards ...

Poker players follow this simple rule: Keep your hands off the cards face up. Keep this in mind when testing your luck at the table. Think with your head and keep quiet about your strategy. Everyone else on the schedule will appreciate that.

Lift your hands off the potato chips.

We get that games may stretch for a while and try to find ways to keep yourself busy. Aside from not having access to your phone, don't tamper with the chips either. It can be very distracting and you don't want to risk being accused of cheating! 

  • Pranav
    Captivated from life, showing it here
   نشر في 26 نونبر 2020 .


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