Socio economic vieloence in iraq - مقال كلاود
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Socio economic vieloence in iraq

Domestic vieloence

  نشر في 09 أبريل 2021  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .

family based vieloence in level of the community has allready raise their impact on and against the backdrop of armed conflict and socio economic factors

that have marked Iraq in recent decades, another type of violence goes largely unseen. Within the bounds of the domestic sphere, Iraq’s women have paid a heavy price for the breakdown of law and order in society at large. Violence and insecurity have spilled over into the home and, when oupled with the economic desperation that grips many Iraqi families, have manifested themselves in attacks on women. While there has been increased international attention to gender-based violence as an intrinsic feature of Iraq’s conflict, the family remains the number one perpetrator of violence against women in Iraq.With the economic crisis brought on by that war and the ensuing sanctions, many families began forcing their underage daughters into marriage. At the same time, the revival of tribal customs encouraged by then-presi-dent Saddam Hussein saw certain misogynist practices, suchas ‘honour’ killings,led invasion, women’s rights experienced another setback.The breakdown of law and order and eruption of sectarian violence spurred by the invasion led to a further militariza-ion of Iraqi society as well as a strengthening of patriar chaleligious attitudes. As a result, violence inside the home in-creased along with violence in the street. Were many people think the worst Arab country for women in the category ‘women in society’ and the second-worst country for women overall, ttempts to seek redress in cases of violence against women are undermined by a weak and ineffective judicial system and outdated laws that excuse or legitimize attacks against women.

Jamal Dakheel 

   نشر في 09 أبريل 2021  وآخر تعديل بتاريخ 08 ديسمبر 2022 .


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