what should a person achieve in his lifetime - مقال كلاود
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what should a person achieve in his lifetime

between 60 and 70,

  نشر في 19 أبريل 2019 .

Published on 07 January 2019 and last modified on 12 January 2019.

We live in a simple, difficult or easy life. Many of the events are going on, many inventions are going on, the purchases and trends vary, parties, ideas, and mazes are growing. Opinions differ, the best ways to live and the best source of money. But the important question is what should a person achieve in his lifetime The average age is 100, but the average age of the faithful is between 60 and 70, and a few exceed, but among these currents and storms and tremors and discord scattered Danger of pain = Writing about any most important thing must be achieved by man, whether male or female, what are the goals that must do it before the lapse of seventy years and that the transfer can begin to achieve something any of them: the first things that must be achieved by:

1 - Reading: Any literacy, which usually starts from a young age and this goal has no limit, that is not to read a certain period of time, but must live by man.

2 - to achieve worship and knowledge of the approach that will follow the human life and beyond.

3 - Marriage: the association with the partner of life, to preserve his genes or to stretch.

4 - A craft or work to make a living from it is according to the method that Allaah wills to him.

5 - Ethics: which interact and deal with others or close associates or strangers ignorant or educated or believers.

6 - Love and helping others, these things come back to you with love and help also.

 Each person needs three main things and five necessities:

The variety of needs and multiplicity in the human, including the physiological needs, such as the need for food and drink) If you do not starve in it and not naked * and you do not thirst or sacrifice ([Taha: 118, 119].

And the need for security. "Let them worship the Lord of this house, who fed them from hunger, and they were safe from fear." [Quraish 3: 4] And the need to belong to a group) O people, we created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes to know each other ... [Al-Kharat: 13].

Human need for freedom of thought, belief, choice and will: In the name of God the Merciful

There is no compulsion in religion has shown the majority of the ungrateful, who disbelieves Baltagot and believes in God has held the most reliable and unbreakable, and God knows the most knowledgeable (256) Cow, and in any other God asks us to say the right and then to the human choice: In the name of God the Merciful

(29) Those who believe and do good deeds, we will not lose the reward of the best work. (30) The one who is righteous and the one who is good, These are the Gardens of Eden, under which rivers flow, and they shall be replaced by bracelets of gold, and they shall wear green garments from Sondos Reclining shine where sofas Yes reward and improved Mrtfaqa (31) ۞ cave.

Freedom is the echo of instinct that God has broken people, which is the meaning of life,

B - the need for human satisfaction:

Besides the level of freedom of thought, belief, choice and will, there is a higher level of human needs, namely the level of satisfaction, in which a person feels his need for the satisfaction of his Lord, which is an end feel the owner of safety and reassurance,

This complacency is the one who immerses the soul in tranquility, tranquility, and pure joy. "O you, the comforting soul. Return to your Lord. Satisfied." [Al-Fajr: 27,28] The reassuring soul to its Lord, reassuring to its path, , And in the rugs and the arrest, and in prevention and tender, reassuring do not deviate, and reassuring do not be rolled in the road, and reassuring, do not be disturbed on the day of the roar Alhlaib.

The basic needs of man are: 1 - food 2 - clothing 3 - and housing, which is fixed has no relation to time and place, nor civil development or failure or anything else.

The book of Islam is a guarantee of basic needs

As for food and clothing, it is one of the basic needs that must be guaranteed to every individual, because it is impossible for him to give up on them. Therefore, Islam has made it a basic maintenance for those who are obliged to do so. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "

And like these two dwelling completely because of the Almighty: (Ikhnohen where you lived from your grandfather)

Rather, he represents these essentials and takes care of sharia according to what Allaah has decreed. Shaykh al-Jeda'i said: The example of keeping the five necessities: religion, soul, money, supply and reason. , Combined adultery and ejaculation to save the supply, drinking unity to save the mind. is over.

It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Three men came to the homes of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and asked about the worship of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when they said that they were saying it. And he said, "I will not fast until I get married." Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to them and said, "You are not


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   نشر في 19 أبريل 2019 .


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